Summer is hibernation time for the teen-ager boy. Don't worry if they show little or no motivation for activity, it's normal in their species. Here is an owners guide "tips for care" during these months:
1) Provide charging stations for about 12 hours a day – any TV, computer or ipod will do.
2) Don't worry too much about their laundry needs – they usually only need one change a week.
3) They will roll from the bed to the couch alone, but may need encouragement the other way.
4) If you need a motivational tool for them to stretch their legs (they should do this once a day), try waving a few salty snacks around face level and then placing the bowl on a nearby table.
5) If your neighbour has a member of the same species, set up a get-together; they are easily compatible with other hibernating boys.
6) Communication is even more difficult during hibernation. One grunt normally means yes.
7) Watch for cat-eye development. There may be some stealth during the late hours of the night.
Caution: Be aware that they are deathly allergic to sunlight, exercise and cleaning. Exposure could provoke wild reactions, unpredictable behaviour and defensive postures.